Contribute to Map Palm Desert

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No one knows Palm Desert better than you, the residents who live here. Using the map below, drag and drop the place marker pins to share comments about particular places around our city. Contribute to the map by considering; certain opportunities, ideas from other cities, and things that you enjoy about our wonderful community.

Your contributions help us all. Using the information provided on this map, the City will be able to better identify areas of improvement and the things our residents find beneficial. If you have any questions about this mapping process, please contact Ryland Penta using the email on the righthand column. Have fun mapping!

No one knows Palm Desert better than you, the residents who live here. Using the map below, drag and drop the place marker pins to share comments about particular places around our city. Contribute to the map by considering; certain opportunities, ideas from other cities, and things that you enjoy about our wonderful community.

Your contributions help us all. Using the information provided on this map, the City will be able to better identify areas of improvement and the things our residents find beneficial. If you have any questions about this mapping process, please contact Ryland Penta using the email on the righthand column. Have fun mapping!

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Add Your Pin To Our Map

over 3 years

Use this map to identify things that you love, share ideas, and ways to improve your Palm Desert community.

To use the mapping tool:

  1. Click "Add Pin" (+)
  2. Select the icon that best relates to your input (idea, opportunity, etc.)
  3. Drag-n-drop it onto the map location
  4. Enter a comment (optional: add photo)