2022 Census Redistricting Process & Information

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The 2022 redistricting process ended in April 2022.  

This page is archived for historical documentation and will be maintained until April 2030. 

Palm Desert Civic Center

[Versión en Español - Para la versión en Español de esta página, haga clic aquí: Redistribución de Distritos por Resultados del Censo]

Every ten years, local governments use new data from the Census to redraw their district lines to reflect how local populations have changed. The City of Palm Desert is asking for your help to plan, draw, and reapportion new City districts.

The finalized maps that you will help us create will change how you elect your City Council Members for the next ten years. Our primary goal when drawing election districts is to draw lines that respect neighborhoods, history, and geographical elements. So we want to know: What do you consider the boundaries of your neighborhood?

This page will serve as your go-to homepage for all things Redistricting. You will find agendas for Council workshops and hearings, proposed maps for consideration, and a list of resources. Share your specific thoughts, draw a map or attend an upcoming public hearing to get involved!

Adopted Ordinance: Number 1380

On March 24, 2022, the Palm Desert City Council unanimously adopted Ordinance Number 1380. The adoption of this ordinance adjusts the boundaries of City council election districts. To review this ordinance, please click here.

To see the adopted map and locate which district you're in, please use this link.

Public Meetings and Agendas

Date & TimePurpose Location Documents
City Council
Public Hearing #1
4:30 p.m.
Overview of the redistricting process and solicit input on communities of interest.This meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. Click here to view the meeting online.



Public Workshop1/20/2022
6:00 p.m.
Presentation on the redistricting process and explanation on how to use the map-making feature.This meeting will be held in person at the Palm Desert Community Center at Civic Center Park and streamed live via Zoom. Click here to view the meeting online.



City Council
Public Hearing #2
4:30 p.m.
Overview of the redistricting process and the online mapping tool and solicit input on communities of interest. Release of the consultant's draft maps and solicit input on communities of interest.This meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. Click here to view the meeting online.


Public Workshop2/22/2022
5:00 p.m.
Opportunity for the public to review draft maps provided by the City of Palm Desert's redistricting consultant (further information below).This meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. Click here to view the meeting online.



City Council
Public Hearing #3
4:30 p.m.
Review draft maps provided by the City of Palm Desert's redistricting consultant.This meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. Click here to view the meeting online.


City Council
Public Hearing #4
4:30 p.m.
Review of the consultant's and community-drawn maps – select and adopt the final map.This meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. Click here to view the meeting online.


*Video recordings of the meetings will be posted to this page within fourteen days of the meeting date. 

Current Council Map (Approved in 2020)

You can find an interactive map of the Palm Desert's current council districts at this link: Palm Desert Council Map.

Draft Maps

Click here to view a PDF of the draft maps. A side-by-side summary of the draft maps can also be viewed here, or you can use our interactive Google Maps tool.

Draw a Map

The City has partnered with Dave's Redistricting Tool to provide an online mapping experience allowing residents to create and submit their own proposed redrawn Council District maps. To use this online tool, you will need to create a free account at this link.

Detailed instructions may be downloaded here. It is recommended that you download the instructions and then begin drawing your own maps. A narrated video version of the instructions can be found here. If you have any questions about using the online tool, you may also view a YouTube video tutorial at this link.

Once you have created your account, you may search for the template created specifically for Palm Desert. This template has our City boundaries, the 2020 census blocks aligned with them, and the 2020 census data that is necessary to draw your own map. Once finished, you may submit your map through the system to the City's redistricting consultant using the email stephanie.smith@bbklaw.com.

If you'd like to draw a map by hand, click here to download a printable version. Once you complete drawing new boundaries, email a scanned copy of your map to rpenta@cityofpalmdesert.org.

Recording of the First Redistricting Workshop

Recording of the Second Redistricting Workshop

The 2022 redistricting process ended in April 2022.  

This page is archived for historical documentation and will be maintained until April 2030. 

Palm Desert Civic Center

[Versión en Español - Para la versión en Español de esta página, haga clic aquí: Redistribución de Distritos por Resultados del Censo]

Every ten years, local governments use new data from the Census to redraw their district lines to reflect how local populations have changed. The City of Palm Desert is asking for your help to plan, draw, and reapportion new City districts.

The finalized maps that you will help us create will change how you elect your City Council Members for the next ten years. Our primary goal when drawing election districts is to draw lines that respect neighborhoods, history, and geographical elements. So we want to know: What do you consider the boundaries of your neighborhood?

This page will serve as your go-to homepage for all things Redistricting. You will find agendas for Council workshops and hearings, proposed maps for consideration, and a list of resources. Share your specific thoughts, draw a map or attend an upcoming public hearing to get involved!

Adopted Ordinance: Number 1380

On March 24, 2022, the Palm Desert City Council unanimously adopted Ordinance Number 1380. The adoption of this ordinance adjusts the boundaries of City council election districts. To review this ordinance, please click here.

To see the adopted map and locate which district you're in, please use this link.

Public Meetings and Agendas

Date & TimePurpose Location Documents
City Council
Public Hearing #1
4:30 p.m.
Overview of the redistricting process and solicit input on communities of interest.This meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. Click here to view the meeting online.



Public Workshop1/20/2022
6:00 p.m.
Presentation on the redistricting process and explanation on how to use the map-making feature.This meeting will be held in person at the Palm Desert Community Center at Civic Center Park and streamed live via Zoom. Click here to view the meeting online.



City Council
Public Hearing #2
4:30 p.m.
Overview of the redistricting process and the online mapping tool and solicit input on communities of interest. Release of the consultant's draft maps and solicit input on communities of interest.This meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. Click here to view the meeting online.


Public Workshop2/22/2022
5:00 p.m.
Opportunity for the public to review draft maps provided by the City of Palm Desert's redistricting consultant (further information below).This meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. Click here to view the meeting online.



City Council
Public Hearing #3
4:30 p.m.
Review draft maps provided by the City of Palm Desert's redistricting consultant.This meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. Click here to view the meeting online.


City Council
Public Hearing #4
4:30 p.m.
Review of the consultant's and community-drawn maps – select and adopt the final map.This meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. Click here to view the meeting online.


*Video recordings of the meetings will be posted to this page within fourteen days of the meeting date. 

Current Council Map (Approved in 2020)

You can find an interactive map of the Palm Desert's current council districts at this link: Palm Desert Council Map.

Draft Maps

Click here to view a PDF of the draft maps. A side-by-side summary of the draft maps can also be viewed here, or you can use our interactive Google Maps tool.

Draw a Map

The City has partnered with Dave's Redistricting Tool to provide an online mapping experience allowing residents to create and submit their own proposed redrawn Council District maps. To use this online tool, you will need to create a free account at this link.

Detailed instructions may be downloaded here. It is recommended that you download the instructions and then begin drawing your own maps. A narrated video version of the instructions can be found here. If you have any questions about using the online tool, you may also view a YouTube video tutorial at this link.

Once you have created your account, you may search for the template created specifically for Palm Desert. This template has our City boundaries, the 2020 census blocks aligned with them, and the 2020 census data that is necessary to draw your own map. Once finished, you may submit your map through the system to the City's redistricting consultant using the email stephanie.smith@bbklaw.com.

If you'd like to draw a map by hand, click here to download a printable version. Once you complete drawing new boundaries, email a scanned copy of your map to rpenta@cityofpalmdesert.org.

Recording of the First Redistricting Workshop

Recording of the Second Redistricting Workshop